DENMARK – Lisa Borch, 15, and her 29-year-old boyfriend convicted of murder after teen’s mother found stabbed to death.
Borch was a love-struck teenager who had her heart broken when her radical Muslim boyfriend left her to move to Sweden. So she went down to the refugee center to shop for a new man. Plenty more fish in the sea!
She met Iraqi Bakhtiar Mohammed Abdulla, 29, and became obsessed with all things ISIL, watching hours of YouTube clips showing beheadings carried out by Jihadi John.
But parents, right? They just don’t understand! Lisa’s mom was less than enthusiastic about her daughters love for terrorists and her much older boyfriend; arguments becoming so frequent that Lisa’s twin sister moved out of the house.
So the couple planned how to live out their happy ever after. Rather than white picket fences, they dreamed of slaughtering the mother who opposed their love, then running away to Syria to fight with ISIS.
Borch went so far as to show her twin the knife she planned to use to kill their mother. Humor must be quite different in Denmark, because her sister figured she was just joking. (…lol..?)
While her stepfather was away on business, Borch and her boyfriend stabbed her mother, Tina Römer Holtegaard, over twenty times. They then called police and said a white man had done it then ran away.
Despite this foolproof plan, police were taken aback when they arrived at the scene to find the teenager sitting calmly downstairs, playing with her phone. When they asked where her mother was, she pointed upstairs without so much as stopping the video she was watching.
Since that kind of behavior makes police kinda suspicious, they searched her computer and discovered her obsession with watching people being murdered by ISIS. Facing the prospect of murder convictions, the young couple turned on each other, each claiming the other was responsible.
Both were convicted of murder, with Lisa Bosch sentenced to nine years, and Abdulla getting 13 years.
This article was written by Scarlett Harlot for The Dreamin Demon - the Internet's self-appointed buzzkill.